6 Minute Pitch for You and Your Business



Hello, my name is Chris Lord from the Virtual IT Director.

This is my pitch and it will take up 6 minutes of your time. Sorry, not sorry. Hopefully I’ll see you at the end.

Let’s start with the problem..
I think it’s fair to say most businesses today juggle multiple IT products and providers – you’ve got IT support, cabling and WiFi, telephones, accounting software, GDPR, cyber security, time and attendance, internet service providers and many more. This leads to several issues:

  1. Someone in-house must manage these relationships, which is a significant investment of your time.
  2. A lack of technical understanding on your part can lead to increased stress on you, you end up overpaying for IT products, and never really achieving your goals.
  3. With so many providers in the mix, businesses lack a real, meaningful relationship with any of these providers. This lack of connection can result in a lack of motivation from providers to go the extra mile for you or be truly useful in a crisis.
  4. These providers often work independently of each other, with no coordination, leading to a disjointed or even non-existent IT strategy.
    In short, the problem is the fragmentation of services, leading to weak cyber security, increased stress, impersonal relationships, a lack of direction and ultimately a dent in your profits.

Imagine having your own IT director, a constant presence amidst changing providers, a familiar face you can connect with, someone who takes responsibility.

Now, imagine having all this without the cost or commitment of a full-time salary. That’s where our Virtual IT Director service comes in.

Our virtual IT director packages start with a comprehensive survey of your IT estate, followed by a detailed report and a follow-up meeting. This allows us to understand you, your team, your business, your goals, and your challenges.

Next, you choose a monthly retainer that fits your needs. For as little as £50 a month, you can have your own Virtual IT Director always on standby, offering unbiased IT guidance whenever things don’t go as planned.

For larger retainers, we offer a proactive role in your business, dedicating up to 5 days a month as your IT director. These days can be broken down into as little as 15-minute blocks, offering flexibility and ensuring you get the most out of our service and the best value for money.

In a very short period of time, The Virtual IT Director can provide you with relief from rising IT overheads, we can give you confidence in your cyber defences, and we can provide an unbiased IT strategy that will enable your business to grow.

Our unique selling points – 3 of them in fact
Number 1 – . We don’t sell any IT products or services other than our Virtual IT Director service, ensuring our advice is always in your best interest.
Number 2 – While we appreciate the convenience of digital meetings via Teams or Zoom, we believe in the power of regular face-to-face interactions. That said, we ensure this doesn’t come at a cost to your business. We cover the whole of the UK and Ireland, and we take a sensible approach to travel time, which is generally never consumed nor charged.
Number 3 – our service goes beyond just technical advice. With a background in accounting and commercially aware, we offer a well-rounded, approachable service that understands your business needs.

Some Examples
We’ve already been instrumental in transforming IT systems across a variety of sectors. Our efforts have seen us identify significant savings for a northern cathedral, bolster the cyber defences for a medium sized retail business, provide interim IT leadership for a large manufacturing company during a period of transition and growth and there are many other cases I would can share.

The Virtual IT Director really comes into its own when it comes to the role of IT manager. As businesses struggle with the challenge of finding the right IT Manager, we can step in. Whether it’s providing interim IT leadership, serving as an interview panellist, or giving organisations the time they need to secure the perfect candidate, we bridge the gap and ensure seamless operations.

About me
With 24 years in the IT industry, an accounting background and 10 years board experience, I bring to the table a unique blend of technical expertise and commercial awareness. In addition to my professional pursuits, I am the founder of the award winning Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub, an initiative that breathes new life into retired computers by distributing them within the local community.
When I’m not juggling my professional commitments, you’ll find me blowing my own trumpet in a brass band, driving a 44 ton lorry or being a taxi driver for my 2 children .
However, what truly sets me apart is my commitment to providing the best customer service. I thrive on going the extra mile and love to do what others say cannot be done. I’m a firm believer in the importance of attention to detail and get quite excited about technology. This passion drives me to continuously learn and adapt, ensuring I can provide the most effective solutions for my clients.

Call to action
If you would like to know how The Virtual IT Director can help your business, visit our website at the-vitd.co.uk. There, you can drop me an email, book an appointment, or simply give me a call at 01924 926400.

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