Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub

Provider of free IT equipment and services to children, families, adults and charities in need.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Our journey so far….

It all began on January 21st, 2021. In the middle of lockdowns and home-schooling challenges, the reality of technology scarcity hit hard. Families struggled with inadequate devices, grappling with remote learning and digital tools. This prompted our Facebook post offering free help, triggering an overwhelming response. Recognising the need, we launched Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub. Our mission: to bridge the digital divide, ensuring universal access to technology.

We’ve since transformed retired home and business computer equipment into lifelines for communities, supporting kids, families, schools, charities, and more—irrespective of their background or circumstances. Our commitment goes beyond just hardware; we offer professional IT services at no cost. With complete anonymity for both donors and recipients, we’ve created a judgment-free zone where no money changes hands, driven solely by the ethos of helping out.

From delivering devices to resolving IT challenges, we are dedicated to overcoming every barrier, ensuring everyone has the digital access they need to thrive.

To see what we’re upto on a regular basis, follow us on our FaceBook, LinkedIn & X (formerly Twitter) pages.

Some of your FAQs answered....

Whilst this initiative is called Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub, we’re actually happy to help any community within a reasonable distance? 

Nothing at all, zero, nada, zilch!

Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub will never ask for a penny off you. We provide collections for donations, delivery for recipients, installation, training and the list goes on. All you have to do is ask for our help.

We can provide hardware and professional IT services for any charity with an income of < £50,000 per annum. Exceptions can be made of course, but use this as a rule of thumb.

There isn’t one, there really isn’t. We know it sounds too good to be true, but we just want to ensure everyone has access to tech?

No. It’s a really big frustration of ours that there doesn’t seem to be any meaningful help for providing internet connectivity (a utility in our view) for people who don’t have a reliable income or struggling to make ends meet.

Absolutely, yes! We ensure all data on your donated device is erased properly and professionally using a licensed copy of Killdisk. To evidence secure erasure of your data, we can provide an official certificate to give you confidence and evidence.

As a rule of thumb, let’s say a maximum of 6 years old. However, it is quite common with laptops and desktop computers that were very high specification at the time, we can go upto 10-12 years to make a difference. 

Give us a call, or drop us a message. There’s no forms to fill in, there’s no fixed qualifying criteria to satisfy, there’s no judgements made. That’s it. We’ll deliver your computer, set it up for you, provide training and anything else you may need.

Yes, absolutely, it’s yours to do what you want with. The only thing we ask is that it is never sold on, but rather if you no longer have a use for it, you donate it to Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub.

As the French say, “Pas de Problème” (no problem)! Just get back in touch and we’ll help you get your device fixed or replace it.

For us, it’s all about giving back to the community we’re part of. It’s a chance for us to connect with people and spread the word about our business. But more than that, it really bothers us to see people (both kids and adults) missing out because they don’t have the right tech. So, by doing this, we’re scratching our own itch to help out and make sure no one’s left behind in the digital world.

Yes, absolutely. Pass it to us and we’ll take a look. Any labour used to repair the computer will be provided completely free of charge. The only thing we can’t cover is the cost of any parts (unless of course, we have the part required in stock kicking its heels).

The computers, because they’re not brand new or high spec, aren’t really designed for games. However, they’ll be fine for

  • sending and receiving e-mails
  • browsing the internet
  • doing homework
  • applying for jobs
  • FaceBook and other socials
  • any cloud based software
  • creative writing
  • creating your CV
  • spreadsheets
  • programming
  • remote desktopping to your office
  • writing blogs or even a book
  • personal tax return
  • government benefits applications
  • creating a website


After securely erasing data from donated computers, we install a fresh copy of Windows 10 or 11. The specific edition, Home or Professional, depends on the original license. Most devices have a digital license that activates automatically upon reinstallation. If a previous Windows license is questionable and doesn’t activate, The Virtual IT Director occasionally purchases and donates a genuine license for the Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub to use.

Every computer is updated with the latest security patches and comes with Microsoft Defender activated. Recognised for its effective protection against cyber threats, Defender operates seamlessly without impacting system performance. While Defender provides robust security at no cost, we respect your choice to install alternative anti-virus software.