The latest blog posts from Chris

Blogs, vlogs, podcasts, news, tech tips and a few trade secrets. 

We have moved!

Some news! Both The Virtual IT Director and the Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub have relocated! We’ve moved from Wakefield city centre to Horbury Even

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Security Keys from Yubico

Are you facing this problem in your business? 🎯 Objective – Implement MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) to all the Microsoft 365 users in your business but

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Our 1st Birthday

Today is The Virtual IT Director’s 1st birthday. And what a year it has been! Starting with a new customer base and an untested business

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This is a little bit outside the scope of The Virtual IT Director, but if I see a problem and a need for something over

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Keep IT Simple!

The complexities of IT can be likened to a ticking time bomb. Minor adjustments or additions, though seemingly harmless at first, can evolve into a

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What is SQL Server

To put it simply, Microsoft SQL Server is like a powerful and organised digital filing cabinet, specifically designed to handle huge amounts of data. The

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