Bridging the SQL Server Skills Gap in SMEs

In my 24 years in IT, I’ve had the privilege of working with some incredibly talented developers and committed infrastructure professionals. Yet, there’s a persistent gap I’ve noticed in almost every SME I’ve encountered — a gap that most don’t see until it’s too late or is reluctantly accepted despite causing ongoing issues. This gap […]

Embracing Chaos: How SMEs Can Benefit from Chaos Monkey Testing

In the world of IT, resilience and reliability are paramount. While large businesses like Netflix have popularised the concept of Chaos Monkey testing to ensure their systems can withstand unexpected failures, the same principles can be incredibly beneficial for SMEs. So What is Chaos Monkey Testing? Chaos Monkey is a concept developed by Netflix in […]

A Case for Pre-Owned Server Equipment

In 2024, its all “cloud, cloud, cloud.” and the cloud is best known for its scalability, reliability, flexibility, and cutting-edge security. Yet, despite its overwhelming popularity, the cloud may not always be the right fit for every business at every moment. If you’re facing pressure to retire an aging server for support and cybersecurity reasons, […]

The Impact of Hot Weather on your Servers

As the weather has been hot in the last few days, many of us (including me) are struggling to keep cool. But while we can hop into our air-conditioned cars, sip on a cold drink or grab an ice cream, our servers aren’t quite as lucky. The recent heatwave has been particularly hard on server […]

The Simple Formula for a Successful IT System

Success of your IT systems is often complicated by challenges such as time constraints, the undervaluing of IT, office politics, and budget limitations which often makes it difficult to see a way forward. However, achieving a robust and effective IT system doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. As The Virtual IT Director, my approach […]

6 Minute Pitch for You and Your Business

Transcript…. Hello, my name is Chris Lord from the Virtual IT Director. This is my pitch and it will take up 6 minutes of your time. Sorry, not sorry. Hopefully I’ll see you at the end. Let’s start with the problem..I think it’s fair to say most businesses today juggle multiple IT products and providers […]

We have moved!

Some news! Both The Virtual IT Director and the Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub have relocated! We’ve moved from Wakefield city centre to Horbury Even better, VITD and the Tech Hub are now in the same building which will make splitting my time between the two a lot easier! Our new home is a beautiful […]

Catapulting SME Cyber Defences: A Practical Starting Point

In the digital age, SMEs are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. Enhancing your cyber defences doesn’t always mean paying for expensive new technologies. Sometimes, it’s about making smarter use of the tools and resources you already have. Here’s clear direction on how to bolster your cyber defences without denting your profits. 1. Data Backup: Your […]

Can You Afford NOT to have an Independent IT Assessment?

In the ever-evolving world of IT, businesses find themselves caught in a never-ending cycle of change and upgrade. New products are launched, existing ones demand updates , and businesses often continue using systems out of comfort or fear of the challenges involved in switching. In and amongst all this, the marketplace shifts, cybersecurity threats grow […]

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) – Minimal Access, Maximum Security

What is Role Based Access Control (RBAC)? – It is a method used to control access to computer systems based on the roles of individual users within a business. RBAC ensures that each user account on the network is only delegated the least amount of privilege to carry out their role. RBAC solves the problem […]

Security Keys from Yubico

Are you facing this problem in your business? 🎯 Objective – Implement MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) to all the Microsoft 365 users in your business but you’re held back….. ❌ Problem 1 – Not all M365 users in your business have a smartphone, or if they do, they do not want to install a business app […]

Our 1st Birthday

Today is The Virtual IT Director’s 1st birthday. And what a year it has been! Starting with a new customer base and an untested business model, it has certainly been a test, but it is paying off, and there’s clearly a gap in the market for clear and unbiased IT guidance. One year on, we […]

£10,000 for Food Banks in Wakefield District

A few months ago, Claire Sutherley, the Managing Director of We Are Wakefield, introduced us to Lisa Milburn, the Development and Partnership Director at the Community Foundation Wakefield District. During a summer meeting over coffee, I shared details about our business’s philanthropic initiative, the Wakefield Technology 4 All Hub. In short, we receive donated laptops […]

Why Backing Up Your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace Data is Essential

Imagine this: your business has smoothly transitioned to the cloud, leveraging the power of Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. The convenience is undeniable, and the risks of hardware failure, fire, or theft seem like concerns of the past. But is your data truly safe in the cloud? The Illusion of Complete Safety in the Cloud […]

Mastering Virtual Meetings: 8 Top Tips for Success

In the ever-evolving world of business, virtual meetings have become the norm. I’d like to share my top tips to ensure your Teams meetings are not just successful, but also stress-free and productive. 1. Test Your Meeting Link in Advance The link to your Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet session is your gateway to a […]


This is a little bit outside the scope of The Virtual IT Director, but if I see a problem and a need for something over and over again, I can’t help but scratch that itch, so here goes….. Ever found your business without internet? Time and again, I’ve seen businesses grappling with connectivity issues at […]

Keep IT Simple!

The complexities of IT can be likened to a ticking time bomb. Minor adjustments or additions, though seemingly harmless at first, can evolve into a tangled mess, complicating management and causing inefficiencies and potentially an open door for cyber criminals. The principle to adhere to is: Keep IT simple. Let’s explore some examples of what […]

Green IT: Bit by bit, Your Choices Matter

The rapid technological evolution of the last few decades has improved our lives in countless ways. But it also means more energy consumption, waste and environmental impact. The good news? We can make choices that both serve our technological needs and support the environment.   Why it Matters Without delving too deeply into today’s specific […]

Celebrating being finalists in the Wakefield Business Awards

We’re very excited to share that we’ve been shortlisted in the Wakefield Business Awards 2023 delivered by We Are Wakefield Ltd. We’ve been named finalists in the NEW BUSINESS OF THE YEAR, alongside other businesses from across the Wakefield area. Director of The Virtual IT Director Ltd, Chris Lord, said: “It’s fantastic to be recognised […]

Low-Cost, Enterprise-Level IT System Setup

Launching a new business is exciting and challenging. One big consideration is your IT systems. How do you construct a high-end IT infrastructure without breaking the bank. With smart choices and the right expertise, you can deploy an enterprise-grade system that’s both affordable and future-ready. 1.    Chromebooks – Secure, Budget-Friendly Computing Equip your team with […]

The Importance of Protecting Your Facebook Business Account

The significance of social media platforms, particularly Facebook, for business cannot be understated. From marketing and branding to customer service and client interaction, a company’s online presence and engagement can impact its operation substantially. Facebook, with its vast audience and low cost, has become a major tool for some businesses. However, with the benefits, come […]

What is SQL Server

To put it simply, Microsoft SQL Server is like a powerful and organised digital filing cabinet, specifically designed to handle huge amounts of data. The data isn’t just any random collection; it’s methodically stored, updated, and retrieved to serve various purposes. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, a programming language specifically created for managing and […]

Maximise Your Business Potential with Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server, simply put, is a database server. It holds and fetches data for various applications such as Sage, SAP Business One, and Intact iQ. Microsoft SQL Server can be installed on your on-premise server or accessed through the cloud. When set up right, SQL Server is fast, secure, resilient, incredibly powerful and a […]

Preparing Your IT Systems for Business Growth

Planning for business growth involves various considerations – financial readiness, operational capacity, and staff readiness, to name a few. However, a crucial component often overlooked is the readiness of your IT systems. The last thing any growing business needs is unexpected IT capital expenses, disruptions, and challenges in delivering your product or service to clients. […]

Harnessing Staff Power for IT Solutions

The technology available in the marketplace today can dramatically reduce your IT overheads, fortify your business against the latest cyberthreats, and enable efficiencies in your business that you never thought possible. These benefits, however, can only be realised if the migration to these new products is successful and embraced by all. Clearly, you will need […]

The stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses heavily rely on their IT systems to stay competitive and efficient. However, the ever-evolving nature of technology often leaves businesses stuck with outdated or unsuitable solutions. This unfortunate situation not only drains financial resources but also hampers productivity and increases stress levels. To break free from the shackles of […]

The importance of monitoring your IT systems

I was inspired to write this blog because it’s a topic that’s often neglected and an area of IT where there’s no winners if it’s not given the attention it deserves. We all know there are many great IT products in the technology marketplace that have a loyal following and an excellent reputation; and the […]

IT priorities during an office move

There’s a good probability that in the life of your business you will move from one location to another. I have helped with a lot of office moves over the years and I’d like to share with you in this post what areas you should prioritise with your IT systems to avoid disruption to your […]

Get 3 quotes. Then what?

It’s generally a rule that if you’re going to make an investment in your IT or if you’re looking to change providers, you should get 3 quotations. Naturally, you’d look at those quotations objectively, do your due diligence on the businesses’ financial stability and reputation and not be drawn by the lowest figure. But then […]

Your laptop should be 100% losable

Nobody wants their laptop stolen and nobody wants to leave their laptop on a train, but, it does happen and it happens regularly. The cost of replacing the laptop is relatively low on the list of concerns of the business. Much nearer the top of the list of concerns is who now has possession of […]

Are you really backing up all your data?

When I ask businesses, charities and prospects whether they protect their data using a backup solution, in almost all cases they say yes, but, I rarely hear much about the what, where, when, how and what ifs. It is common for businesses today to have their files and applications spread amongst multiple on-prem servers and […]

Serverless and Officeless? – You really do have a choice

The Covid pandemic changed how we work and it permanently changed our view of what the workplace is. After Boris’s big announcement back on 23rd March 2020 instructing us all to stay at home, IT companies were urgently setting up remote access solutions for their clients for weeks. There was no planning, there were only […]

Microsoft 365 training is underrated!

How do you make your staff happier? How do you get a better return on your IT investments? How do you spark creativity? In my 23 years in the IT industry, it is clear to me that training on Microsoft 365 is one of the most underrated ways to invest in IT and your staff, […]

10 ways to reduce your IT overheads

In these times of global economic uncertainty and rising energy costs, every business is having to closely examine their overheads, and IT overheads are no exception. This article will give you some good ideas of where to look for savings without compromising the security or functionality of your current systems. Find out more at

Microsoft updates are a pain in the {insert expletive here}

The automatic and bullish installation of Microsoft updates on Windows 11 on a regular basis can be inconvenient, annoying and a source of frustration for computer users around the world; I’m sure we all question at some point, “what is the actual benefit?” Microsoft 365 and other 3rd party solutions out there that can manage […]

10 ideas if you require 24×7 IT support?

More and more businesses, particularly in the manufacturing sector, rely upon their IT systems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the event of an IT breakdown out of normal working hours, it can be frustrating and costly, and the consequences can ripple out far and wide. I’ve been tasked numerous times over […]

5 areas of IT to consider before moving to a VoIP telephone system

Are you thinking of getting a new telephone system for your business? The first thing you need to know is that whatever telephone system you choose, it will be internet based in one form or another due to the Digital Switchover 2025 (see for more on that). No more analogue lines! These new telephone systems all […]

Windows Server 2012 End of Life

On the 10th October this year (2023), Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, bug fixes, or technical support for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. If any of your servers are running Windows Server 2012/R2, you should immediately be exploring what your options are to avoid leaving an open door for cyber […]

4 ways to improve your cyber security for £0.00

The whole cyber security thing can be daunting and overwhelming and it can seem expensive, but it is a real problem that should be continuously addressed. Left ignored, it’s only going to bite you and your business in the bum, both financially, reputationally and emotionally. This article isn’t to talk about sophisticated firewalls, Cyber Essentials, […]

7 considerations when choosing internet for your business or charity

Your internet connection is important to your business and I think it’s a safe bet to assume that it would actually cause less impact on your business if your gas or water supply was interrupted than if your internet connection was interrupted. Our expectations and reliance on having a quality connection to the internet have […]

3 really good reasons to housekeep your data

What’s the most uninteresting job you could ever do with your server, either on-premise or in the cloud? I’ll tell you, it’s housekeeping! As technology has evolved and continues to evolve, we have the luxury of seemingly unlimited storage made available to us as end users. Take SharePoint and OneDrive for Business as an example. […]

10 ways to get the most out of your IT support company

Over the years, I have worked with a lot of computer engineers from companies both small and large. Almost all of them are talented, seasoned, and keen to please and they all have one thing in common. They all want to do a good job, solve your problem as quickly as possible, take your pain […]

100 ways The Virtual IT Director can help your business

The Virtual IT Director can help you and your organisation with many areas of IT that often fall outside the scope of your IT break / fix support contract. I’ve noted down some of these below and you’ll be pleased to know I stopped myself at 100! Schedule your free no-obligation 2-hour consultation today 

The launch of The Virtual IT Director Ltd. 

At 9am, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, a picture of me with a glass of champagne in my hand was strewn across all social media platforms and The Virtual IT Director Ltd was officially launched. You’d have to have been living under a rock that day if you didn’t know what was going on in the […]